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FAA Introduces New Remote ID Rule for Drones

January 19, 2021

RID to track drones

The United States of America’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has released its final ruling on the RID to track drones. In a 470-page document, the FAA stipulates the new ‘final’ rule on RID, the requirements to be compliant and any exceptions to the rule. This article will try to break down the new rule to understand what it is and its implications.

What is the Rule?
Similar to vehicles on the road fitted with license plates, the FAA will now require drones to have a ‘digital’ license plate. This requirement is not only about a unique identifier but also entails broadcasting information from take-off to shutdown that people on the ground and in the air can receive. If you’re interested in the latest developments regarding drone inspections and construction surveying, this rule is a significant aspect to consider. Read more about it on the FAA website.

When will this rule come into effect? Well, there’s still some time before the FAA enforces it. Manufacturers have 18 months to ensure that drones being produced are compliant, while operators or pilots have 30 months to either fly a drone with a RID, fit an older drone with a broadcast module, or fly in designated areas where RID is not required.

What information should the drone broadcast during tits operation?

  • The A unique identifier for the drone
  • The drone’s latitude, longitude, altitude, and velocity
  • Control station or take-off location’s latitude, longitude, and altitude
  • A time mark
  • Emergency status

But why is this rule being introduced in the first place? The FAA and other law enforcement officials can use the RID to track drones that fly unsafely. Furthermore, the RID will enable officials to identify the operators of these drones. It’s all about enhancing drone accountability and, as a result, boosting public safety and security, which has implications for the fields of drone inspections and construction surveying.

The question that remains-

The main question for those of us not residing in the USA is if and when regulatory bodies from other countries will follow suit. The ruling does not have a definitive positive or negative reception among drone manufacturers; the industry seems to be divided on the issue so far. While the response from DJI is positive, other companies like Google’s Wing are apprehensive expressing unintended privacy impacts.

It now boils down to how the FAA will implement it and if other regulatory bodies will follow. If they do, do they try to improve on what the FAA has ruled or will they pursue a different route in the interest of public safety and security? Only time will tell.